Herbata i wycieczki

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  • Rodzic
  • Nasza polityka i procedury

Nasze zasady i procedury

Poniżej znajduje się lista naszych aktualnych zasad. Jeśli szukasz kodeksu postępowania ucznia, zapoznaj się z dokumentem Umowa szkoły macierzystej.

Jeśli nie możesz znaleźć żadnych informacji, skontaktuj się z biurem szkoły pod numerem 01534 516200.

Własność osobista

1. Responsibility and Storage
May we remind you that all students are responsible for the security and safe keeping of their personal belongings, including all electronic devices and equipment. The College provides each student with a locker and they must ensure that a padlock is fitted and the lockers are used.

2. Damage to personal property
The College does not accept any liability for the loss or damage to personal items of property. However in the event of an incident where damage is caused, a Senior Teacher will conduct a full investigation to ascertain responsibility and inform parents accordingly. In the case of wilful damage or negligence, students will be expected to contribute part or all of the costs of repair/replacement.

3. Protective cover
It is recommended that your daughter’s personal belongings are covered for by your home insurance.