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About the JCG Foundation

The JCG Foundation is a charity whose charitable aims are: 

  1. Advancement of the education of students at Jersey College.
  2. Widening access to Jersey College through financial and other support, including in particular whole or part fee bursaries, for children able to benefit from a Jersey College education whose parents would otherwise be unable to afford the fees.
  3. Advancing the education of students in Jersey or from other countries, other than those at Jersey College, through organising, supporting and financing educational courses and related activities at Jersey College for their benefit.
  4. Leadership of the whole Jersey College alumnae community, wherever its members may be, with the aim of developing its role as a body in Jersey, in particular by encouraging both its active involvement in, and support for, giving effect to all the objects of the JCG Foundation and its wide engagement in the civil society of Jersey.

Kluczowe obszary zainteresowania Fundacji


The Foundation aims to strengthen long-term connection with Jersey College Alumnae, creating a sustainable network of support and advocacy for the Jersey College Community, increasing the sense of belonging and connecting the expertise of our ex-students with our current students.

Biomedical Programme

The Foundation runs a Summer programme for all students interested in a career in the biomedical field. 


The Foundation strives to substantially increase funding available for bursaries and needs-based financial assistance for students and to enable any student offered a place to be able to accept, irrespective of financial background. It manages and invests bequests from donors to maximise funds available for bursaries.

Twórcze umysły 

The Foundation runs holiday provision during the school holidays offering various STEM and Arts programmes for pupils in Years 1 to 6 across the island.

Immersion Programme

The Foundation is actively involved in recruiting international students for Jersey College, which provides an opportunity for international students to experience life in a Jersey school and our students to learn from other cultures and nationalities. Proceeds from this programme fund bursaries to enable students who would not otherwise be able to afford it to attend Jersey College.

LEAP - Female Leadership Programme

The Foundation runs exhilarating local and international Female Leadership and Entrepreneurship Programme focusing on creating a social enterprise project based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations. After 8 days of mentorship and guidance, projects are presented to investors for real life funding and continued development. The programme promotes female empowerment and strives to develop an opportunity for females to lead in a world that they can positively shape.

Małe Lamparty

The Foundation runs an afterschool provision for pupils from Reception to Year 6 at JCP, where children are actively engaged in a range of stimulating and creative activities led by a qualified team.

Polyphony and LAMDA

The Foundation provides in-school music tuition and speech and drama programmes for Jersey College students.

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The Foundation runs an exam Preparation Programme, in relation to GCSE,  Year 12 exams and A level exams during the Easter holidays open to students across the island from Year 11 to 13.