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- Textile Design
Textile Design
Subject content
GCSE Textile Design is a diverse and exciting option, providing students with the opportunity to complete an in-depth, practical study of a range of approaches to creative fashion and textiles design within an Art context. Students will be encouraged to explore their own individual style and interests throughout a series of varied and challenging projects which will enable them to try many new and experimental materials and techniques.
Students are introduced to a wide variety of textile media, including print, surface decoration, fabric manipulation and hand and machine embroidery. Students will have the opportunity to create art pieces, interior and fashion items using traditional or non-traditional methods.
Drawing skills for textiles and fashion design will be developed using various media. Students will be encouraged to develop their own ideas and to produce a body of work on set and chosen themes, this consists of practical work and relevant research into historical and contemporary textiles or fashion.
Areas of study include: Fashion Design, Costume Design, Fashion Illustration, Constructed, Stitched and Embellished Textiles, 3D Textiles, Surface Pattern, Printed Textiles, Interior Textiles.
Jak jesteś oceniany?
AQA GCSE Sztuka i projektowanie - projektowanie tekstyliów
During the two years you will be completing two projects of portfolio work supported by sketchbooks, preparatory work and a practical outcome.
- 60% Portfolio Work - Controlled Assessment comprising of two themes
- 40% Externally Set Task – 10 hour practical exam
You will answer one question (design brief) from the exam paper, which is issued in January of the exam year. This is the preparatory period in which to research, develop your ideas and plan your final realisation. You will then make and complete your final outcome in the ten-hour exam in April/May.
All work is internally marked and externally moderated by AQA.
The Assessment objectives are:
- A01: Rozwijać idee poprzez badania oparte na źródłach kontekstowych i innych, wykazując zrozumienie analityczne i kulturowe.
- A02: Dopracowywanie pomysłów poprzez eksperymentowanie i wybór odpowiednich zasobów, mediów, materiałów, technik i procesów.
- A03: Zapisywanie pomysłów, obserwacji i spostrzeżeń związanych z intencjami w formie wizualnej i/lub innej.
- A04: Przedstawić osobistą, świadomą i znaczącą odpowiedź, wykazując analityczne i krytyczne zrozumienie, realizując intencje i, w stosownych przypadkach, tworząc połączenia między elementami wizualnymi, pisemnymi, ustnymi lub innymi.
Trips, Opportunities, Progression
Students completing the Art & Design (Textile Design) course will gain the necessary skills to continue their artistic development at further or higher education level. The course offers a broad skills base which equips students to progress to Fashion & Textiles courses.
There are increasingly more opportunities for employment within Art and Design, especially fashion and textiles such as: Fashion Design, Fashion Illustration, Fashion Buying, Trend Prediction, Textiles Design, Knitwear Design, Surface Pattern Design, Printed Textile Design, Interior Design, and Costume Design.
Students on the course will have the opportunity to have hands on experience with renowned artists and practitioners which will lead to furthering their skills and gain an insight into career possibilities within the textile and fashion industry.
Students will have the opportunity to experience fashion and textiles off Island whilst on the course. Some of our previous trips have included Berlin and Paris.
There will also be opportunities to visit galleries, to participate in fashion events and workshops, and to showcase their achievement in public exhibitions.
Wymagania wstępne
Podczas gdy predyspozycje do tekstyliów, mody lub sztuki i projektowania są pożądane, żadne wcześniejsze doświadczenie w tekstyliach nie jest konieczne, aby rozpocząć ten kurs.
Mrs B Padidar B.A [email protected]